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====== 辐射76:辐射世界更新说明——2021年10月19日 ====== 随着最新的《Fallout 76》更新于今天发布,万圣节将降临阿帕拉契亚。接下来的两周乐趣不断:你可以猎杀恐怖辐尸人、去别人家C.A.M.P.玩“不给糖就捣蛋”,或者在家里分发糖果。继续阅读以获取完整说明。 ===== 更新亮点 ===== * 恐怖辐尸人:部分辐尸人会乔装打扮来欢庆万圣节,并会掉落特殊战利品! * 从你的鬼屋分发糖果:从原子商店里领取免费的恐怖糖果碗并放在你的C.A.M.P.中,然后装满神秘糖果并等待捣蛋小鬼来拜访,即可完成挑战并获取奖励。 * 在阿帕拉契亚各处玩“不给糖就捣蛋”:穿上你最喜欢的服装,前往其他玩家的C.A.M.P.收集神秘糖果,即可领取额外挑战奖励。 ===== Update Version ===== 查看下方内容,了解本日补丁在你选择的平台上的下载内容大小: * PC (Bethesda.net):2.3 GB * PC (Microsoft Store):2.2 GB * PC (Steam):9.3 GB * PlayStation:9.2 GB * Xbox:8.8 GB ===== 恐怖辐尸人四处徘徊 ===== * 万圣节将至,一些辐尸人穿上了极具节日特色的服装,在阿帕拉契亚四处徘徊!从现在起至11月2日,如果你在旅途中看到"恐怖辐尸人",或是听到其令人毛骨悚然的节庆叫声,就大战一场吧。 * 恐怖辐尸人生成时即为1星、2星或3星传奇敌人,每击杀一只可获得一件传奇物品。 * 你还会获得一个**恐怖糖果袋**,里面包含一些好东西,如消耗品和弹药,还有机会获得万圣节主题的设计图。 * 而且,你还能得到一块神秘糖果,吃下后可获得一种随机增益效果(共五种),其中包含状态加成和类似核子私酿的效果。提示:神秘糖果虽然诱人,请不要一口气吃完。你可以留下几颗来参加今年的“不给糖就捣蛋”活动(下方有详细介绍)。 * 请注意,和节日辐尸人一样,恐怖辐尸人不会在室内生成。 ===== 不给糖果就捣蛋! ===== 今年万圣节,在废土闹腾的可不会只有辐尸人!从现在起直至11月2日,你可以穿上服装,和朋友一起跑遍阿帕拉契亚玩“不给糖就捣蛋”游戏,也可以给来你家的捣蛋小鬼派发糖果。这样,你就能完成全新的“不给糖就捣蛋”挑战并赢取奖励。 ===== 给捣蛋小鬼发糖果 ===== **在11月2日前进入原子商店免费领取一个恐怖糖果碗**,将它放置在你的C.A.M.P.中并装满神秘糖果,等待捣蛋小鬼来哄抢。 * 神秘糖果可以通过搜刮恐怖辐尸人获得,也可以从阿帕拉契亚一带的火车站售卖机器人那里用瓶盖购得。 * 提示:把你的恐怖糖果碗放在C.A.M.P.的显眼位置,好让捣蛋小鬼一眼发现。 * 请注意,恐怖糖果碗不能放置在隐蔽所内。 往你的恐怖糖果碗内添加神秘糖果后,地图上将以南瓜图标标记你的C.A.M.P.,以邀请其他居民前来拾取糖果。如果你的糖果碗是空的,C.A.M.P.的南瓜标志就会消失,直到你重新添加糖果。 每个捣蛋小鬼每小时内只能从你的碗内拿走一块糖果,所以没必要担心会有人偷走过多糖果。 在接下来的两周内,你将收到派发糖果的每日挑战和每周挑战,完成后即可获取奖励! * 完成每日挑战后可得到一份奖励,可以是消耗品、辅助能力卡包、午餐盒、修复套组或S.C.O.R.E.。 * 完成给捣蛋小鬼派发糖果的每周挑战,可获得S.C.O.R.E.、稀有制作材料,甚至万圣节服装。若完成全部两种每周挑战,还能为你的C.A.M.P.添置一台新爆米花机! ===== 开启狩猎糖果之旅! ===== * 取出你最爱的服装清理一新,叫上三五好友,并且在包里空出存放糖果的空间,因为废土版“不给糖就捣蛋”游戏时间到了!打开地图,寻找带有南瓜标志的C.A.M.P.,那里的恐怖糖果碗里盛满了神秘糖果。 在11月2日前,你可每天获取全新每日挑战,前往其他居民的C.A.M.P.索要糖果。 * 和派发糖果的每日挑战一样,每次完成“不给糖就捣蛋”的每日挑战都可获得一份奖励,可以是消耗品、辅助能力卡包、午餐盒、修复套组,或S.C.O.R.E.。 从别人恐怖糖果碗里拾取神秘糖果时,请确保自己穿着服装,这样才能获得挑战点数。 * 游戏里有多种不同服装可供选择,如在探险时发现的那些服装、从第六赛季计分板获得的各式无敌英雄主题的升级奖励,还有通过原子商店出售的服装。 ===== 漏洞修复和其他改进 ===== ==== 美工 ==== * **服饰:**修复了穿着美国爱国者服装时第一人称视角屏幕被部分遮挡的问题。 * **服饰:**穿着古古那助手内衬时装备国王古古那服装不再导致玩家双手不可见。 * **头饰:**天蛾人防毒面具不再卡入女性角色面部。 * **垃圾:**查看或检视物品栏里的燃料缸时会正确显示预览图片。 * **动力装甲:**以第一人称视角操纵重型武器时,缩小了公园护林员动力装甲前臂占据的空间,使其与其他动力装甲保持一致。 * **动力装甲:**从物品栏里检视公园护林员动力装甲组件时,现在会正确显示其内部纹理。 * **武器:**应用在古古那斧时,现在会正确地显示葛雷洛克巫师法杖和斯坦利皮肤。 * **武器:**优化了“古古那的另一把斧头”皮肤在第一人称视角下的空闲动画。 * **武器:**缩短了死亡之息火焰喷射器皮肤上的钢筋长度,以缩减其在第一人称视角下所占据的屏幕空间。 * **武器:**在身穿动力装甲的情况下,为装配了特大弹匣改装件的加特 C.A.M.P.s & Workshops * Collectron Station: Moving a Collectron Station in C.A.M.P. before looting items it contained no longer prevents those items from appearing in the Station’s transfer menu. * Displays: Corrected the placement of Grognak’s Other Axe when displayed in High-Powered and Magnetic Weapon Racks. * Mobile Home Trailer: Players can no longer build multiple Mobile Home Doors in the same Mobile Home Trailer’s doorway. * Stairs: Snapping two Haunted House Stairs to each other no longer prevents players from walking up both sets of stairs. * Survival Tent: The Scrap Box in the Abandoned Shack Survival Tent now correctly faces the player. Daily Ops * Double Mutations: 2x currency rewards no longer appear halved in the Operation Report after completing a Double Mutation Daily Op. Events & Quests * Missing Persons: The “Find clues to where the Raiders are” objective now correctly progresses after opening the doors leading to the top floor of AMS Headquarters. * Missing Persons: Marcia no longer occasionally disappears during combat. Items * Backpacks: The Hazmat Meat Cooler Backpack now appears centered on the player’s back. * Crafting: Fixed an issue on PC that could cause players to craft lower-level items than intended. * Explosive Bait: Fixed an issue that caused players to take damage from Explosive Bait when they were not currently engaged in PVP combat with the player who threw it. * Headwear: Fixed an issue that prevented Communist Commander Hats from appearing in players’ inventories. * Legendary Armor: Auto-Stim Legendary Armor no longer automatically uses Stimpaks if a highly-radiated player’s available health is full. * Legendary Crafting: Progress will now be saved after crafting a legendary item at a Workbench. * Ranged Weapons: Laser Rifles with an attached Sniper Barrel Mod now fire correctly in third-person view while wearing Power Armor. * Unarmed Melee Weapons: Crafting a legendary “Face Breaker” Power Fist now correctly requires 2 Legendary Modules. The ability to craft this item has been re-enabled at Weapons Workbenches. * Underarmor: Players can now apply Casual Mods to all Season 6 Sidekick Underarmors. Localization * Events: The Monster Mash event’s map description, quest description, and quest tracker are now correctly translated in non-English game clients. * Quests: Meg’s voice lines during the “Siding with Crater” quest are now correctly translated in the Japanese game client. Performance & Stability * Client Stability: Addressed an issue that could cause the PlayStation client to crash after placing a Junkyard Fountain in C.A.M.P. * Client Stability: Fixed a crash that could occur when repeatedly switching tabs in the Pip-Boy. * Performance: Fixed an issue in which the crafting menu could take a long time to open under certain conditions. Sound * Main Menu: Updated the Main Menu music for PlayStation and Xbox versions of the game so that it is consistent with other platforms. User Interface * Atomic Shop: Corrected an issue that prevented some emotes from playing their icon animations when selected in the Atomic Shop. * Atomic Shop: Inspecting certain Emotes and Player Icons in the Atomic Shop no longer causes item descriptions to disappear the Shop’s menus. * Pip-Boy: Opening a Holotape in the Pip-Boy and then switching to or from Quick-Boy view no longer causes the Pip-Boy UI to overlap the Holotape’s content. World * Collision: Addressed a number of objects throughout Appalachia that players could partially clip into or walk through. * Pathing: Addressed a number of locations throughout Appalachia where players or creatures could become stuck.